Knowldege is power

Launched in the summer of 2006, "Dropping Knowledge" is a historic high profile event that will gather 112 participants as a group to respond to 100 of today's most pressing questions. The questions will be asked one by one, and the participants will respond simultaneously into individual cameras (see picture of the Table of Knowledge). The responses of each participant will be recorded as a single audio visual portrait. Together these portraits create the base of the archive-672 hours of recorded material. The table of free voices provides the initial momentum and content for all the components of dropping knowledge. The participants were selected for their innovative, creative, or humanistic impact on the international public. Amongst other you might recognize: Milan Kundera (Czech Rep), Joseph Stiglitz (USA), Yungchen Lhamo (Tibet), Ravi Shankar (India), Thar Ben Jelloun (Morocco), Manu Chao (Spain-France), Francis Deng (Sudan), Naomi Klein (Canada), Oscar Olivera (Bolivia), Fernando Solanas (Argentina), Jose Bove (France), Isabel Allende (Chile), Neela Marikkar (Sri Lanka), Yosepha Alomang (Indonesia), etc... Musicians, farmers, writers, activists, political leaders, philosophers, dancers, researchers, journalist, environmentalist, poet, lawyer... Join this great initiative by dropping your question on the website and talking about it to your friends. Knowledge is power, and it's time to put the power back in the hands of people!